What To Look For in A Good Yoga Teacher
A good yoga teacher ought to principally be somebody who inspires you to practice and to better yourself. Yoga is eventually about carrying peace to yourself and the teacher’s teachings should support this in you. A good yoga teacher should be someone with great excitement for yoga, that is somebody who enjoys not only practicing and learning yoga themselves as well as someone who enjoys yoga teacher training as well. A definitive objective of yoga is to bring peace into oneself and to send this feeling of peace to other people. Of course, yoga is a way. In our human world, we can just endeavor to be peaceful. However, the objective should be there. Subsequently, a good yoga teacher should be one whose objective is to be peaceful and furthermore one who experiences what peace or Shanti really is. The ancient Indian scriptures talk a lot about 'Shanti or peace. Additionally, the teachings of 'ahimsa' or non-violence talk about peaceful conduct. A good yoga teacher should ha...